Wednesday, September 22, 2010

GAME Plan work Part 1

My first goal was to begin to integrate more mini-thinking skills into my lessons. Upon rereading this goal I am surprised just how vague this sounds. My first step in reaching this goal is to determine what sort of tools my students need.

Upon some reflection, I know that my students are always remedial reading students, so I need to begin looking for technology that is going to engage them. Still sounds vague, right? So I continue to think... my students do not do well with self-led reading. Why? Engagement? Interest? Or is it really skill based? Well, that sort of determines my next move.

If it is an engagement issue: I need to look for a program that will allow students to preview a book and get excited about it. I need to find some way to force students to engage the text-- more than just fix up strategies.

If it is an interest problem: Could I find a way for students to preview books (see above) but without losing the aha moment of the plot? A review site for uninspired readers? I've introduced Shelfari to them before, but it only caught on with some students. Could we reintroduce the site with new plans?

If skill based: Oh geez. Where can I find skill exercises? Is there something out there with Artificial Intelligence to work with them?

Second major goal: work more with collaborative learning.

I have a great way to work this into my senior class. Students there work with a senior Capstone project which includes a mentor ship, a fifteen hour project, and research paper. I would like to model the collaborative methods before I let them loose with their mentors.

Perhaps I could choose my Capstone topic with some sort of tie in to education and then begin by showing them the way mentor ship works in class. Also, perhaps we could look at some more multicultural items from different perceptions (science, social science?) and allow these teachers come offer some opinions on these ideas.

It's a work in progress, what can I say?

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

My GAME Plan

I must admit that anytime I read "GAME plan," I mentally do so as a Southern football enthusiast. I think it adds to the adventure.

However, with or without the accent, here is my own plan:

Goal: (1) To integrate more "mind-tools" to engage student learning. (2) To allow more time in class for collaborative learning.

Action: (1) Begin researching possible computer and technology-based options to integrate into the classroom to allow for more self-directed learning. (2) Research a new peer edit strategy that better incorporates collaborative learning.

Monitor: (1)Are these programs and items hard to get access to? If I introduce a certain mind-tool, will I have consistent access to computer to allow students to grow at its use? (2) How do I introduce new lessons about good writing into the peer editing system? How can I encourage these self-guided groups to teach themselves?

Evaluate and Extend: (1) Honestly, what do I want to focus on with these mind-tools? Will the newly acquired tools lend themselves to multiple tasks and lessons? Where do I find these mystical tools? (2) Does the collaborative learning stop when the papers are edited? How do I transition this new working skill into other parts of the class?
